

How to Get Your VA Loan Offer Accepted

If you’re having trouble with sellers not accepting your offer because of the VA Loan, it’s most likely because the VA Loan is an unknown for them and they’ve heard that they are difficult. The good news – VA Loans have changed a lot over the years! Let’s talk some strategies on how to get your VA loan offer accepted by a seller.
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I’m facing sellers who don’t want to accept my VA loan. How can I help get my VA loan accepted?

My name is Evan Kaufman, your VA loan originator, here to help. Let me give you an example of how you can overcome some of those objections.

Typically, with objections to a VA loan, they can be really broad, but generally, it comes back to just misinformation. The VA loan just celebrated its 80th anniversary—it’s an old loan type. What that means is that in the past, it was different than what it is today. We have a few other really good videos that explain how it has changed and evolved over time. In the last few years, there have been some pivotal changes that have made the VA loan more competitive than ever before. I would argue it’s as strong, if not stronger, than most loan types out there.

So, when you encounter sellers who are hesitant about accepting a VA loan offer, they’re usually hesitant for one major reason: the VA appraisal process.

This typically revolves around concerns like, “What if it doesn’t appraise?”

While this is a common concern for any loan type that requires an appraisal, sellers often worry about the inspection part of the VA appraisal. They might think there’s a VA inspection when, in reality, there isn’t.

Instead, there are minimum property requirements (MPRs) that the VA requires to ensure the property is in habitable condition.

There are two key points to address these objections:

1. The VA Appraisal Process

Rather than viewing the VA appraisal process as tougher or harder than others, we frame it as different—and positively so. The VA loan is the only loan type that includes a feature called the Tidewater Notice.

This means that if an appraisal looks like it’s going to come in short—for example, you’re under contract for $300,000, and the appraiser doesn’t support that value—a conventional loan would simply issue a lower value and move on. This could leave buyers scrambling, especially in competitive situations where sellers may reject your offer due to the low appraisal.

With a VA loan, however, the appraiser legally has to issue a Tidewater Notice, signaling potential issues and allowing the lender and buyer to provide supporting comparables. This collaborative process helps ensure the appraiser has all the information they need to make a fair valuation. It’s a unique feature of VA loans and a significant advantage.

For instance, if the appraisal does come in low, at least you have an early warning and an opportunity to address it, unlike other loan types where you’re simply handed the lower value. This transparency and opportunity for reconsideration are unique strengths of the VA loan.

2. Minimum Property Requirements (MPRs)

Sellers often worry about the VA’s MPRs. They may think it’s overly stringent, but the reality is that all loan types have some level of property standards. If a property has major issues—like structural damage or severe wear and tear—other loan types will typically require repairs too. The VA’s requirements are just more clearly defined, ensuring the property is safe and habitable.

How to Pitch to Sellers and Agents

When addressing seller or listing agent concerns, emphasize that the VA loan has evolved over time. Highlight the Tidewater Notice as a proactive feature that ensures fairness in the appraisal process. Explain that the VA loan offers more transparency and opportunities to address issues than conventional loans.

Additionally, if there are still concerns about repairs or property requirements, point out that major issues would likely be flagged by other loan types as well. The VA loan simply provides a clearer framework for addressing these issues, ensuring that everyone involved in the transaction is informed and prepared.

Final Thoughts

The biggest rebuttal to someone hesitant about a VA loan is simple: “Did you know the VA loan is the only loan type that includes the Tidewater process?” This feature provides a proactive and transparent approach to appraisals, ensuring the value is supported with evidence before finalizing.

If you’re working with us as your lender, we’ll communicate these benefits early and often, ensuring a smooth process to get to closing. Use these points to confidently address concerns and help sellers see the VA loan’s unique strengths.

Go out there, win a home with your VA loan, and take care!

2025 VA Home Loan Guide

This FREE guide is designed to provide you the most important details of the VA Loan in an easy-to-use format. Print it out and read at your leisure.

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