
Military Household Goods Reform

Military HHG reform

Tired of your military household goods being lost or damaged during every PCS move? The 2023 HHG reform claims to solve these headaches!

To DITY or Not to DITY

military PPM or DITY move

It’s that time of year again. The smell of cardboard boxes and packing tape in the air. You’re wondering just exactly how many trips to the dump you can take because you’re so tired of packing. You’ve chosen the good ‘ol fashion DITY (do-it-yourself move) that the military now calls a Personally Procured Move (PPM). […]

The Easiest PCS Ever.

Military PCS to Texas

What do you get when you throw together a toddler, a newborn baby, a four-month long TDY (four months-ish because…you know how that goes), a PCS, and a separation from Active-Duty?

Read Savannah’s PCS story!

2025 VA Home Loan Guide

This FREE guide is designed to provide you the most important details of the VA Loan in an easy-to-use format. Print it out and read at your leisure.

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